Designers' views on the

resources of the Charentes territory

The Almanach exhibition is the inaugural research project of the Martell Corporate Foundation, which, after 5 years of existence, has become a platform for research and experimentation in art and design, as well as a space for raising awareness and life-oriented learning.

This experimental initiative, which takes the form ofan exhibition, residencies, meetings and a laboratory of living archives was born from a reflection on the way in which a foundation, located in a context that is both rural and industrial, prosperous and remote, can constitute itself as an agent of revitalization of its territory and activate new potential for transformation for the collective. An inventory of the resources and problems of the territory quickly became essential as a prerequisite for any action.

A team of designers was commissioned to carry out a survey with multiple local interlocutors (institutions, companies, professional networks and inhabitants of Charente and Charente-Maritime), in order to identify local, natural and industrial, material and intangible.


Led by Olivier Peyricot with Lola Carrel, Valentin Patis and Mathilde Pellé, the team established an investigation methodology before undertaking collection and analysis work.

The subjective panorama resulting from their observations unfolds at the 2nd level of the Martell Corporate Foundation and offers an immersion in the collected samples allowing to rediscover remarkable materials and neglected deposits, living techniques and forgotten know-how.

The subjective panorama resulting from their observations unfolds at the 2nd level of the Martell Corporate Foundation and offers an immersion in the collected samples allowing to rediscover remarkable materials and neglected deposits, living techniques and forgotten know-how. Objective: to build new imaginaries and chart new paths to build a resilient and equitable future.

© Team « Almanach »
Conception graphics : Kiösk