Conference - complementary local currencies: a tool at the service of the territory
Thursday 23 February 2023 at 19:00
workshops, free entrance
Marine Grosset, co-administrator of the Bulle (Charente) and Yannick Lung, economist and professor of economic science at the University of Bordeaux will present the Bulle, the Local Complementary Mint Charentaise created in 2019.
For more than ten years, these new means of payment complementary to the Euro – currently 80 in circulation in France – have created a new economic map of cities, based on the local development of businesses and the promotion of short circuits, promoting the ecological transition.
This discussion will aim to measure the impact of MLC in the dynamisation of territories, the wealth of trade being preserved at the level of a given territory, irrigating exclusively the local economy. Speakers will discuss how these new tools work.