Marion Courdé
Residency from 20/02/2023 to 30/03/2023
Marion Courdé will present the result of her project “Modern Eaters”
on Thursday, March 30th 2023 at 6.30, Ateliers du Faire.
Free entrance, upon reservation.
The Projet : "Modern eater"
Food is one of the major challenges facing our society, in particular with the expected doubling of food needs by 2050 linked to the world population increase, in a context of climate change. It is around the question of the “modern eater” that chef Marion Courdé will dedicate her residency.
At this stage, she will express her reflections around tablecloths, carrying a symbolic representation, that of “washing one’s hands” of the imbalances of the , while malnutrition and obesity coexist in different parts of the planet. The symbolic dimension of the tablecloth comes from the Middle Ages where it had the role of a towel (to “wash hands”) in addition to its initial function.
What form should this tablecloth take today? Should it be made into a technological object, a measurement tool, indicating the results of a menu, from production to consumption? What could these measures be worth? is it a question of giving oneself a good conscience, of feeling guilty or to make oneself feel guilty or of realizing the impact of a daily practice? And above all what about the essential that cannot be measured, the invisible that a table has to offer? a time for discussion, sharing, conviviality…?
The result of this questioning will be shared by Marion Courdé.
Marion Courdé is a chef, artisan and artist.
She began her professional career alongside Bénédict Beaugé, author and historian of gastronomy with whom she participated in research on topics related to restaurants, innovation and starred chefs as part of the organization of an international gastronomic festival and the writing of his books. Subsequently, she collaborated with craftsmen recognized for their know-how before joining establishments reputed best restaurants in the world such as Noma in Copenhagen or starred restaurants such as the Plazza Athénée.
After becoming aware of the challenges of sustainable food and catering; from production to consumption, including supply, she took time to reflect before creating her restaurant “Somnolences” in 2018.